Child DFCS Information Form
Patient's Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Patient's Age
Nickname or Alias
Patient's Social Security Number
Patient's Home Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Home/Evening Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Name of Legal Guardian
Billing Information:
Medicaid Number:
to the following:
I agree to allow Mosaic Psychological Services, LLC to contact my primary care physician or mental health counselor and/or treating psychiatrist for medical records or to release information.
Type I Agree above
I agree that if you or your child have been referred for a psychological evaluation by DFCS, DJJ, Court Order, Behavioral Health Services, or any other agency, the referring agency will be the official owner of the report that will be provided. This is called a "third party" report or evaluation and does NOT fall under the HIPAA rules. If you wish to have a copy of the report, you must ask the referring agency. Mosaic Psychological Services, LLC is not allowed to provide you with a copy.
Type I Agree above
I agree that if you or your child are court ordered to have a psychological evaluation, you have the right not to answer any question, but your refusal will be included in the report which is provided to the Judge or agency that requested the evaluation.
Type I Agree above
I understand I may not agree with the clinical findings of the report.
Type I Agree above
If you or your child is being seen for therapy by a clinician at Mosaic Psychological Services, LLC, clinical/treatment notes are maintained by your clinician. Progress notes will not be released except under rare circumstances.
Type I Agree above
I understand that a typed version of my name may be accepted as my original signature pursuant to the Georgia Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (O.C.G.A. 10-12-7). To accept the above statement, type "I Understand" in the box below.
Print Name of Guardian or Representative
Relationship to Client
Signature of Guardian or Representative
In order for the submission to be accepted, you must use your mouse and draw your signature above.
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